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Auckland District Health Board
Auckland DHB is the Government’s funder and provider of health services to the 494,000 residents living in the Auckland district. We are the fourth largest and one of the fastest growing DHBs in the country.
Auckland has a similar deprivation profile to New Zealand as a whole. Almost one in five of our population live in the areas of the two lowest deciles and 23% in areas of the two wealthiest deciles.
More than 11,000 people are employed by Auckland DHB.
The DHB is responsible for the health of the population who live within the district. We provide a range of services ourselves as well as funding other services outside of our own facilities, including primary care and other community based providers. We also work with a number of other organisations, such as Auckland Council, to improve outcomes for our population.
The performance measures we monitor reflect those we directly deliver on as an organisation, those that we fund other organisations to deliver and some that more broadly reflect the health of our population that we and others contribute to. As an organisation, Auckland DHB provides hospital and community services from multiple sites including Auckland City Hospital, Greenlane Clinical Centre and the Buchanan Rehabilitation Centre.
We provide community child and adolescent health and disability services, community mental health services and district nursing. We are the northern region’s provider of some specialist tertiary services e.g. cardiac surgery and radiation oncology services. We also provide specialist services not available within other DHBs including organ transplant services, specialist paediatric services, epilepsy services and high risk obstetrics.